Combination of Unaware + Semi-Aware Empathic Person

You are opening up to your true sensory nature of being able to receive information from the subtle energy fields of emotions, thoughts, and feelings. 

We evolve from empathic to empath. Right now, your empathic nature might be limited by beliefs or perceived circumstances. But I sense that you know at your center that there’s a depth to your own presence, which is intuitive and sensory by nature. It might even scare and intimidate you. But remember, we tend to fear what we do not understand. This is your opportunity to understand yourself at a deeper level–an authentic level. 

Please consider my perspective on being an empath: it's neither a gift nor a curse, but an ability that allows us to live in extended communication with nature and humanity. Self-awareness is the GIFT we give to ourselves and humanity, and our empathic nature is a catalyst for empowerment and authenticity. 

Unaware empathic tendencies:

  • Persons who are unaware of their empathic receptivity often question if they are imagining random impressions and phantom pains. Their relationship to places and people can be perplexing and confusing. They can internalize this as self-doubt and not feeling comfortable in their own bodies. They typically accept everything they feel as their own and this can complicate knowing themselves and having an accurate sense of self. 

    (It’s difficult to process someone else's emotions, and yet this is what happens to an unaware empathic person who doesn’t understand that they may be picking up other people’s thoughts and emotions.) 

  • An unaware empath wants to distance themselves from feeling too much, and can create barriers rather than boundaries. If they feel uncomfortable in a space or with a person, they will try to leave as quickly as possible. This can become a defense mechanism that is hard to break. But moving towards being a more aware empath will take courage to break down the knee jerk reaction of withdrawing.

Semi-aware empathic tendencies:

  •  Semi-aware empathic persons realize that they can receive impressions that do not originate from them, but though they may not try to process them, they tend to feel responsible for everything they “pick-up.” 

  • “Semi-aware empathic person” is a dynamic point on the arc of an empath. It is steeped in personal teachings of what an empathic nature aligns itself to, which is a form of service in sensing balance. This sense of service can create situations where a semi-aware person overextends themselves and their abilities and can lead to feeling fatigued, drained, and vulnerable.

  • Or, they can develop a perception that the environment always wants something from them and it can eventually feel like a burden and a curse. It is then easy to project frustration and fear outwardly; as in, that space, that person, that event makes me feel . . . and then the semi-aware empathic person may become preoccupied with needing protection. 

As someone who is moving towards being more aware of your empathic sensory reception, you are still discovering what it means to have a larger conversation with the environment without it being a detriment to your own sense of boundaries and responsibility. 

Self-care for a semi-aware empath:

  • If you are afraid of your abilities and feel like you need protection–reach out to an intuitive school, program or  guidance (or me), to learn more specifically about how your empathic receptivity works. It doesn't put you in harm's way, it actually protects you. 

  • If you consider that the essence embedded in an empathic nature is to sense what is out of balance, you can see how important it is to examine where you may be out of balance in your own life.

  • Notice when your personal involvement in the problems of others becomes out of balance; or if you carry a perception that you must save or help everyone. Where is that need coming from?  If you are chronically over-extending yourself or overstepping boundaries, it is time to look inward and find your center.

  • Understand your own life experiences to better differentiate what is yours and what is something you are picking up from the environment?

  • Regular and consistent body work, to help regulate your nervous system. Massage, cranial sacral, rolfing, etc.

  • Explore which forms of meditation offer you stillness to reset your mind.

  • Consider using EFT to relieve anxiety and tension. 

After taking the Empath Quiz, look for my followup emails to learn more about how to use your sensitivities as a guide. I tend to say that once you identify as an empath, you are on a spiritual path. It requires that you know yourself and accept your life’s experiences. This takes patience, but it garners wisdom and compassion.


Combination of Semi-Aware Empathic Person + Functional Empath


Functional Empath with HSP Traits